BNL Electricity Infrastrcuture
BNL Clean Energy Plant M2000 is a compact, modular, semi-mobile,
automatic and environmental-friendly power plant for biofuels,
cobustibles, residues and waste.
Modular BNL Clean Energy Plant (CEP) for rural standalone
applications such as centers, communities, farms, ranches and schools
Thermal: 3-15 MW / Electrical: 1-5 MW
Feedstock: Biofuels, Combustibles, Residues, Waste
Suitable for farms, greenhousing, plantations and other stand-alone
applications, providing power, steam and district energy with
thermal capacities from 3 to 15 MW and power generation up to 5 MW,
It is emission-free (no CO2, no air pollution) and completely enclosed
(no sound emission, no odor).